Thursday, December 29, 2022

A Tapestry of Time Unfolds: 2022 / 2023 Evening Photos from La Paloma Observatory

  A Tapestry of Time Unfolds:  

2022 / 2023 Evening Photos from La Paloma Observatory


 In the canvas of the evening sky,

A tapestry of time unfolds,

Each brushstroke a flicker of sunlight's descent,

A softening embrace as daylight turns to night.

Time-lapses, a gentle solace,

A therapy for the grieving heart,

The weight of sorrows released, unraveled,

In the fluid dance of nature's timeless art.

As shadows stretch their silent limbs,

And hues shift from gold to deepening blues,

There lies a solace, a fleeting peace,

A soothing balm for wounds unseen.

In the play of seasons, an unspoken dialog,

Whispered through rustling leaves and shifting winds,

A reminder of life's cyclical ebb and flow,

A gauge of time's relentless march and gentle reprieve.

In the play of seasons, an unspoken dialog,

Whispered through rustling leaves and shifting winds,

A reminder of life's cyclical ebb and flow,

A gauge of time's relentless march and gentle reprieve.

Gaze upon the tranquil sky, breathe in the moments,

Let the worries of the day melt and fade,

For in the quiet lapse of evening's tender hours,

The heart finds solace, a fleeting smile remade.

For in this gentle spectacle, a truth revealed,

That darkness holds its own unique grace,

And in its quiet descent, we find a mirror,

Reflecting the quiet corners of our soul's own space.

So let the evening time-lapses embrace you,

Guide you through the maze of grief and despair,

May they grant you peace, relaxation, and hope,

As you find a smile within the softening air.

Thursday, December 8, 2022

December 7, 2022 occultation of Mars by the full moon.

The La Paloma Observatory in North Park (San Diego), California had a great view of the moon and Mars joining up last night and Paloma Mohn captured several neat photos of Mars reappearing from behind Earth's celestial companion as seen in the below photos.