Sunday, April 14, 2024

Lucky and a Lego Afternoon


One of the nicest afternoons I’ve had recently was spent with my little buddy, Lucky, an African Grey parrot. I had bought her some Legos, intrigued by the idea of her playing with something that matched her intelligence and curiosity. It seemed perfect for her, so I couldn't resist.

We set ourselves up in the living room, music playing, creating a chill atmosphere. Lucky perched beside me, watching intently as I opened the Lego box and spread out all the colorful pieces. She tilted her head, examining each part with keen interest, and I could tell she was excited for our project.

As I started assembling the Lego pieces, Lucky eagerly began to 'help' in her own way. While I connected the bricks, she busily worked to disassemble whatever she could get her beak on. It became a playful tug-of-war, me putting parts together and her expertly taking them apart. We snacked on some treats in between, Lucky enjoying her bits of fruit while I munched on some crackers.

Lucky’s enthusiasm was infectious. She was clearly happy, chattering and mimicking some of the tunes playing in the background. Her playful antics made me laugh, and her determination to be involved in every step was endearing. Despite her attempts to undo my progress, we eventually managed to get more of the structure assembled than not.

The afternoon slipped by in a delightful blend of fun and feather friend companionship. Lucky would occasionally nudge me, as if to remind me she was doing her part too. We worked side by side, and her presence made the activity even more enjoyable.

By the time we had finished—or rather, reached a point where I could declare it finished—Lucky and I were both content. She perched proudly next to our half-assembled, half-disassembled Lego creation, clearly pleased with our collaborative effort.

Spending time with Lucky on projects like this reminded me just how much of a wonderful companion she is. Her playful nature and eagerness to be involved in everything I do bring so much joy to my life. That afternoon was a perfect example of the simple pleasures that come from spending quality time with a beloved pet.

Little Lucky, you are the bestest buddy!!