Saturday, January 11, 2020

It’s Time for Lucky’s Annual Physical Exam 🧑🏼‍⚕️🐦💚

As Lucky’s guardian, it's up to me to make sure that she is established with the best avian care possible, especially in the event she gets hurt or becomes ill. Additionally,  Keeping up with her annual avian vet visits is the best way to keep Lucky as healthy and happy as possible. 

With love, attention, and proper care, I hope to have my little feathered buddy around for many more happy years.  

So today, we make our annual trip to the Avian and Exotic Animal Hospital.

Greeted by a Dinosaur, nice !! 🦖 

Checking in.  Lucky said “I’m not a duck, but
please put this visit on my bill. 🐦🤣

She may eat like a bird but
weighs in at 1.2 lbs.; very good! 

A cold look from Lucky; sorry girl! 😢

Dr. Gillet giving Lucky a thorough look over;
nothing remarkable noted. 👍

A real “Angry Bird”!!! 🤬

Yes Lucky, we can go now!  🐦😊

Lucky was such a good girl, we got to go
shopping for a new paddle board. 💚🐦

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